Month: June 2016

My Creative Weekend: a Yard Sale, an Art Sale & Art Day

Yard Sale

For the past several years, on a day in June, the neighbourhood yard sale takes over a larger area in the east end of Toronto. It’s become something we look forward to, a wonderful way to wander through our ‘hood, say hi to some neighbours and maybe discover a bargain or two, often accompanied by a story!
Mucha Calendar 2005

This year we didn’t buy too much but I was delighted to get this old Mucha calendar. I think the pictures will be great for collaging and many will make wonderful journal covers.

JRS Procrastination Bunny

I couldn’t say no to this little guy, especially after our recent talk of the Inspiration Rabbit and the Procrastination Bunny. It was meant to be! (By the way, you can see the Procrastination Bunny LIVE on this BtS)

JRS Our New Mirror

We also picked up this wonderful mirror. Justin was awesome and put it up immediately! So often we get these additions and they end up gathering dust in the corner instead of finding a new home. Not this time. Yay!

JRS Cat-Approved Magazines

Unfortunately that was all the energy I had for Saturday. I ended up feeling rather under the weather. Good thing I had my summer inspiration infusion and lots of good company!

Beaches Arts and Crafts Show

Sunday morning I woke up and was feeling much better. The weather was my perfect summer day: blue sky, sun shining, wind blowing and hovering around 20. Wonderful! I wanted to get down to the lake and feel the wind on my shoulders so Justin and I headed out and on the way we stumbled across the Beaches Arts & Crafts show!

Wood Cutting Boards

One of the first booths that we looked was Woodturnings. The gentleman selling these beautiful wooden wares was lovely and had such a nice energy that even though there were several other folks selling this kind of thing, we came back to Kjell Orrling’s work. We’ve been needing a new cutting board and haven’t found anything to suit but these two immediately felt like ours. A walnut one for me. A maple one for Justin.

 Flavours of Nova Scotia Honey

We also could not resist this amazingly flavourful honeys of Flavours of Nova Scotia. The honey and lemon is beyond irresistible! Justin and I had to set some guidelines about when we would treat ourselves to these delights – or else they’d be gone in no time!

At the Lake

Treasures in hand, we finally made it down to the boardwalk to get our fix of wind and sky!

JRS Art Day

With all that I still managed to make it home in time for Art Day with Shannon! We decided to connect via Zoom and work on whatever project was calling us. Shannon tested her new gel pens and I pulled out my magazine journal and had fun simply filling it up with collage images. It’s so fun to sit and create together over tea!
Scout Oversees Art Day

Scout wanted to be included. He’s such good company how could I say no?

Show & Tell, Art Day & Procrastination Bunny

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  I got out to a yard sale and an art sale this weekend and have a few things to share, including the discovery of procrastination bunny!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

JRS Cat-Approved Magazines

Follow the Kittens on Facebook.

Catch-Up & Muster

JRS Messy Piles Catch-Up and Muster 2

We all get behind. It’s inevitable. Our laundry piles up. Our inbox overflows. Those classes we were so excited about transform into undone projects.

And not only do we get behind, we beat ourselves up over it too. We judge our inability to juggle, blame our lack of focus and get discouraged when, in fact, often it’s that there are simply too many demands.

So what do we do when there is so much to catch up on?

Do we book off a week and tackle it top to bottom? Do we chip away at it bit by bit? Do we hit delete and cut our losses? I’ll always remember interviewing Jill Badonsky and her saying that when all of the papers pile too high, she puts them in a box and tucks them away. There’s a creative solution!

What had me thinking about this is that at my gym they book in what they call a Recovery Week whenever there is a month that has 5 weeks in it. This is a chance to take a deep rest, to shift your routine, to go out for walks and get a massage, to come back refreshed and ready to go.

And years ago, in one of my day jobs, we worked an extra half hour every day so that on the third Friday of every month we had the day off. This was a huge blessing. All of us need to do things that are more easily done during the day – doctor’s appointments, haircuts and, in those days, banking.

What do these two examples have in common?

A break in the schedule is a part of the plan!

How could you make this idea work for you?

How can you create some time for that inevitable catch-up, a time when you can muster your forces and get back on track?

First: Create Everyday Ease

Do you know that when you design a garment it is essential that you build in ease? Ease is what allows you to actually move in that pair of pants or skirt. (I won’t tell you about the time I wore a pencil skirt and tried to step up onto the bus! Let’s just say, um, I could have used more ease!)

As you fill your schedule with to-dos, appointments and commitments build in ease. Build space in, around and between what you have booked. Prepare for the unexpected. Allow for movement. You will breathe easier when things go according to plan and have a better ability to manage when things pop off the rails.

Second: Schedule Muster Time

Considering your rhythm, your schedule and your propensity for needing to catch-up, what would be a great way for you to create a regularly scheduled catch-up time? A half-hour every Friday morning to clear those outstanding to-dos? Imagine how much nicer your weekend would feel! Leaving one Saturday morning every month completely unbooked so that if you need to catch-up on things you can and if you don’t have to – wooohooo coffee shop time! Using one of your vacation days each season for big tasks you struggle to get done piecemeal? What would work for you?

Each of us is different and what will work for our personality and our lifestyle is unique but one thing is for sure with some ease we’ll be able to move much more readily through all that catch-up with muster!

Let me know what you are going to try and how it works for you!

Summer Inspiration Infusion

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  At the end of a super-productive week I am delighted to share a show-and-tell of my inspiration infusion for the summer: creative tools and inspiring magazines!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

Three Cats on a Chair

Follow the Kittens on Facebook.

Creative Living with Jamie: What to Do When You Have No Ideas

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This Podcast is: 13:55

Scout Helps Me Journal
This Week on Creative Living with Jamie:

On this week’s podcast, I share strategies for what to do when you can’t come up with a single idea.

PS If you have the opposite problem, here’s the podcast on what to do when you have too many ideas!

Connect with Creative Living with Jamie…

  • Subscribe: You can subscribe to Creative Living with Jamie here and also on iTunes (Note: this link will ask to access your iTunes and then take you to the podcast. You can also simply open iTunes and search for “Creative Living with Jamie)
  • Email: You can email your feedback, questions and suggestions to Jamie.
  • Share: Spread the Magic! If you loved this show, please share it with other creative hearts!

Daily Projects, Inspiration, & Procrastination

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  Today I followed the  inspiration rabbit (or was it the procrastination rabbit) and have some wonderful daily project ideas to share with you.

Mentioned in Today’s Show

Project 365 2013 for Vimeo from Jamie Ridler on Vimeo.