Returning to the Studio

I’m back in the Studio! Last week I tiptoed in gently. Did a little tidy up. Caught up on correspondence. Lit the fire, so to speak. And I remembered how much I love my work.

When I left my PhD in drama incomplete, I had no idea what was next. I couldn’t have envisioned the creative coaching work I do or the online courses I teach because those things literally did not exist!

When I went to my perfectly fine day job, I didn’t imagine that one day I would be running my own business, helping people reunite with their creative spirit. I just went to work knowing my soul was struggling and there had to be ‘more’.

I want you to know that just because you can’t name what you want or see where you’re going doesn’t mean that something amazing isn’t ahead.

My journey started by my recognizing three things that had always been with me: the arts, a love of people and a tendency to do my own thing.

Then I found coaching and said yes.
Then I found blogging and dove in.
Then I began working with clients.
Then I braved teaching a class.

Now I run a successful online creative studio with coaching, classes and content that has made a difference in the lives of thousands of people around the world!

I am in the right place doing the right thing even though I had no idea where I was going for most of the journey.

Even if you don’t know where you are going, you can get there from here.

What do you love? What has always been with you? What brave action will you take next?

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