Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: I’m thinking about our self-nourishment and the importance of using whatever capacity we have in order to keep ourselves vital and available to our creativity.
Mentioned in Today’s Show

I wanted to answer the question of what nourishes me:
My journal writing practice, my outdoor walks, my reading time in the evenings, my spiritual practice, and my watercolor painting.
Listening to my heart, truths I discover in the process of illusions being revealed which all leads to positive change, and visualizing new ideas for future paintings.
Thanks for the encouragement toward nourishment! Great word.
Be refreshed!
Dawn Herring
Dawn, thank you so much for sharing what nourishes you. I think when we share our nourishing options we help each other expand our options and that’s a great thing!
Hi Jamie, I’m watching on Sunday evening after a week of looking after my elderly mother. Its been such an intense week, completely focussed on someone else’s needs and without a thought to myself (or so it seems), that I have spent today wondering who the hell I am! And then, of course, I sit down with my laptop, and there you are, and I feel like I’ve come home. You always hit the nail on the head, and today, with your thoughts, and your gentle voice, you were exactly what I needed to feed my soul. So thank you. And now, I’m going off to do my second soul-feeding thing, which is journalling, so thanks for the prompt!
Oh, I am so glad. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. I hope journaling filled you up after such a demanding week. May this week be gentle on you. ((bighugs))