Category: Creative Living TV

Three Tips for Building Your Creative Resilience

On Tuesdays I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  We all face rejection, failure, discouragement and mistakes in our creative lives. How do we bounce back and keep making and sharing, especially when we’re a highly sensitive creative? Here are my top three tips for boosting your creative resilience so you can keep on creating no matter what.

Mentioned on Today’s Show: The Studio Yearbook

4 Keys to Creative Living

On Tuesdays I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  Sometimes we creatives need a bit of structure to guide our energy so today let me share one tip for dealing with productivity in the pandemic and four keys to creative living.

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

A Powerful Question for Your Creative Toolkit: What If?

On Tuesdays I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  One of the most powerful questions in my creative toolkit is “What if?” It has some pitfalls but with discernment, it can be a gift during these times! Let me share with you how I’m working with this creative question during this challenging time.

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Day 8: Create Right Now (The Behind the Scenes is Back)

It feels a little weird to include myself in this series! For a week I’ve been asking myself how I want to show up during this pandemic and then it hit me – bring the BTS back! So, here we are.

On Tuesday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  After quite a hiatus for our renovation I am back! On Tuesdays, I will share what’s going on behind the scenes at Jamie Ridler Studios. Today: In the midst of this pandemic crisis, what’s important? Why does it matter if we create right now?

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

On the New Moon, I began a new blog series: 40 Days of Beauty, Goodness & Love, little moments of light to get us through a difficult time. If you get solace, peace and inspiration from this, please share with others who need the same. 

stART Creating as We Go: Our 100th Episode Celebration – LIVE!

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives. In celebration of our 100th episode we recorded a LIVE episode! We answered your questions, we asked ourselves questions, pondered questions and thought of even more questions! Thank you to everyone who participated in the live event. It was wonderful to have you with us for the giggles and the tender heart moments. Hugs to you all!

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go