Creative Living with Jamie: Dara Dines

Jamie interviews Dara Dines

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This Week on Creative Living with Jamie: Dara Dines, artist and expressive arts facilitator

Dara Dines designs and facilitates expressive arts & nature based workshops that invite you to reconnect with yourself while creating with others.
She has a degree in Fine Arts & Business from Concordia University in Montreal, and a certificate in Expressive Arts Training from The Prairie Institute of Expressive Arts Therapy in Alberta. Her studies ignited her interest in collage, sculpture & creating installation pieces. She is also a Registered Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator with Ieata.

Dara got her start teaching art classes such as stained glass & picture framing. While teaching in South Korea and Japan for five years, she explored and integrated many forms of art into her classes. She has since been in the field of mental health & wellness, creating and facilitating a wide variety of groups.

In the past few years, she has had the exciting opportunity of stepping into the role of training others to use Expressive Arts in their own work. And now her first e-course is almost ready to launch! Dara was able to bring Spirit Doll with a Story  into being after taking part in the Circe Circle at Jamie Ridler Studios.

“I have always embraced creative expression, but my passion for the arts deepened through my travels and continues to be nurtured as I hike through the prairie landscapes and play around the foothills of the Rockies, now close to home..I flirt with the relationship of art & nature as I am sometimes known to pull out a Tibetan singing bowl or box of pastels from my backpack. Many forms of art remain an integral part of my own holistic journey as a way of being present to myself and others.”

Discover More About Dara Dines

Sponsor a  journal for a Joy Collective girl through Give a Girl a Journal in November!

When you sponsor a journal at Give a Girl a Journal this November, we’ll send it to a member of The Joy Collective community in Uganda.

Connect with Creative Living with Jamie…

  • Subscribe: You can subscribe to Creative Living with Jamie here and also on iTunes (Note: this link will ask to access your iTunes and then take you to the podcast. You can also simply open iTunes and search for “Creative Living with Jamie)
  • Email: You can email your feedback, questions and suggestions to Jamie.
  • Share: Spread the Magic! If you loved this show, please share it with other creative hearts!

Creative Living with Jamie: Jessie Marianiello

Jamie interviews Jessie Marianiello

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 This Week on Creative Living with Jamie: Jessie Marianiello

Jessie Marianiello is the founder and director of The Joy Collective, a humanitarian, faith-based organization focused on improving the lives of widows and vulnerable children in Uganda through education and empowerment. Jessie is an artist, fine art photographer, writer and philanthropist. However, these days, after the unexpected and tragic passing of her fiance, Carl, she finds herself in the nitty-gritty process of wrapping up the successes of her old life in exchange for the most meaningful lifelong venture she might ever step into.

You are invited to learn more about The Joy Collective and Jessie’s work here. In the mountains of Eastern Uganda, a whole new life has begun and you are invited to become a part of the journey.

Discover More About Jessie & The Joy Collective

Sponsor a  journal for a Joy Collective girl through Give a Girl a Journal in November!

Here are just some of the girls that will receive journals when you sponsor a journal at Give a Girl a Journal this November.


Harriet (16): Harriet lives with her real mother. Her father left when she was 4 years old. She has 3 sisters and 3 brothers. Harriet is the 2nd born and lives next door to her grandmother. She wants to be a teacher when she gets older because she feels she is good at mathematics. She especially loves small children and would like to be a teacher of small children.

Harriet’s struggles with taking care of her family’s animals. They have 2 cows for milking as well as a goat. She doesn’t know how to take care of them well, but tries her best. Mostly, she enjoys learning and loves school.

Harriet’s mother works very hard digging in the fields, since her father does not help with any of their needs. She usually gets to eat two meals a day, including things like cassava, posho (corn meal) and beans. She especially loves mango and jackfruit. Yellow is her favorite color because it reminds her of sunshine! :)

More than anything in life, Harriet wants to be encouraging.


Aulelia (15): Aulelia lives with her auntie and sometimes the local nurse. She has a mother whom she loves very much, but often there is not enough money for her mother to support her needs. Aulelia’s father died in 2005. He was 45 years old. When Aulelia was 4 years old, every Thursday he would go to the market and buy her sweets. It’s one of her favorite memories. She has 2 sisters and 3 brothers, as well as 1 sister who died at 5 years old from heart problems and a brother who died at 8 years old.

Aulelia wants to be a doctor and, of all the children I have ever known, I KNOW she will make it happen! She is the first in her class with a determination and drive that far exceeds other children her age. Aulelia is incredibly sharp and has a strong spirit to match, just like her mother. Death, hardship and hunger has left it’s sting on Aulelia’s life…but she will not give up. Oh, this girl…there is something special about her!


Joy (13): Joy is shy and quiet with a heart as big as the mountains. She’s also the namesake and inspiration for The JOY Collective!

Her favorite games are hide and seek as well as fast and furious games of net ball! Joy has 2 sisters and a brother. He parents both love her very much, but they are very poor. Sometimes Joy lives with her grandparents so that she has enough to eat. Joy struggles with sickness a lot. It’s a difficult life and there is never enough money for a doctor or medicine. Her parent’s are farmer’s, working mostly in the tobacco and potato fields. Joy wants to be a doctor so that she can help others. Her quiet personality is perfectly suited for observing what other’s need. Even though she’s only 13 years old, her nick name is already Dr. Joy


Sharon (9): Sharon comes from a very complicated story of abandonment. She comes from a home broken by alcoholism and impoverishment. Sharon often has bouts of complete silence, times when she does not speak at all. Sharon is a survivor. And, when she comes out of her shell, is the most talkative butterfly in all of east Africa! Sharon is a friend magnet. Children both young and hold flock to her and, despite her sometimes quiet ways, she can command a room like nobody’s business!

She is observant, noticing things that others do not. She is smart and, despite a difficult beginning in life, is finding her way with striking resiliency. She loves her dolly, Mary, and takes care of it as if she were her real mother. For Sharon, life isn’t quite complete unless sharing it with a friend. Her laughter lights up a room like a sky full of stars.


Membo (11): Membo wants to grow up to be a nurse! She lives in a small village in the mountains of Eastern Uganda with her mother. Membo loves school and learning. She lives in the village’s center and is always helping everyone as much as she can. Sometimes she stays in the capital city of Kampala to help her auntie with her baby. At one point, Membo became very ill because there was no source of clean drinking water. Like many in the village, she could have died, but today we are celebrating her health as well as her continued progress in school. She loves art and writing and simply just being with her best friend Aulelia.


Stella (14): Stella has eyes that will stop anyone in their tracks. She lives with her mother and family of 6 siblings. Her loving father committed suicide just a little over a year ago. It was a tremendous loss, not only for Stella and her family, but the entire community.

Stella has big visions for her future, one of which is building her very own school so that she might improve the lives of others in her village. This girl, I truly believe, is going somewhere. Like her mama, she has a spirit that is both focused and driven. Never mind that Stella feels that raising animals is one of the most difficult tasks she must tend to. Stella has a life purpose that she wears in a way that you can’t help but notice.

When you Give a Girl a Journal this November, these girls and others in The Joy Collective community in Uganda will receive journals. Imagine what they will do!

Give a Girl a Journal

Yes, I want to

Find out more about Give a Girl a Journal here.

Connect with Creative Living with Jamie…

  • Subscribe: You can subscribe to Creative Living with Jamie here and also on iTunes (Note: this link will ask to access your iTunes and then take you to the podcast. You can also simply open iTunes and search for “Creative Living with Jamie)
  • Email: You can email your feedback, questions and suggestions to Jamie.
  • Share: Spread the Magic! If you loved this show, please share it with other creative hearts!

Creativity, Signs & People Who Get It

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: Spending last week in the company of so many creative hearts at different stages on their journey has me thinking about the gift of being connected to one another. Plus, I’m super excited about the new show my sisters and I are starting today: Art & Netflix. I hope you’ll check it out!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

Kempenfelt CentreThe Kempenfelt Centre where I led a workshop for Threads of Life

Tending Our Energy Fire: Dial It Down

Every time you take on a project, a painting, a party, a plan, you are making an energy withdrawal. How do you avoid getting completely depleted in the midst of life’s demands, when the deadline is looming, the alarm clock is ringing and the to-do list is, well, let’s call it abundant.

Dial it down.

Dialing it down means turning down the intensity, getting gentle with ourselves and the task at hand. So often we use far more energy than we need to when taking on our day. Our bodies are tightly sprung as we lean into our computers, a little crease forms in our forehead as we churn to get something done. We fill up with anger and frustration at everything that gets in our way, pushing it aside with vigour or addressing it with resentment.

This physical and emotional intensity takes a toll.

But what happens if we dial it down?  What if we get eco-friendly with ourselves and use only as much energy as the task at hand requires, no more? When you think of that, does something shift?

Dial Down Excess Physical Effort

One way to dial it down is to pay attention to what’s going on in your body and consciously relax the muscles that really don’t need to be a part of the activity. Your forehead doesn’t have to help you think or type. Give it the afternoon off.

Here’s an exercise to help you refine your sensitivity to this extraneous energy spending. Practice a familiar physical activity, like making your bed or brushing your teeth, with the intention of using the minimum effort possible while still completing the task well. Notice the difference as you release your shoulders, relax your tummy, close your eyes. You will be surprised how much these little releases bring moments of ease into your otherwise tense and stressful day.

Dial Down Emotional Intensity

So often we layer great swathes of emotion over an experience or activity. Not only are we working at the task at hand but we are also worried, defensive, resentful, disappointed and more – often all at the same time! It’s like trying to do chores in a hurricane! And every fresh obstacle that appears? Whoa! The energetic levels spike and and even more strain on our batteries.

As you go about your business, see if you can dial down the intensity by actively letting go of the emotions while you work. Take a deep breath and imagine yourself releasing the extra tension of each emotion.

Inhale. Exhale. Choose to let go of anger.

Inhale. Exhale. Choose to let go of fighting.

Inhale. Exhale. Choose to let go of anything other than the task at hand.

You can pick it all up later, if you wish to. This is not about neglecting or ignoring your feelings. This is about not making this moment any harder than it needs to be.

As you go through the tired, the hard, the challenging, don’t add any friction. Glide.

You’ll be amazed by the way dialing it down helps you conserve energy while still getting things done.