Inspiration Well: Michelangelo Pistoletto

“You can, with art, change your vision but also, change the reality.” Michelangelo Pistoletto at Blenheim

Do you believe in the power of your art to change not only your vision but reality? Imagine for a moment that you do.  How would you use that power? What would you change?

This month many of the regular offerings at the studio are on hold, particularly the BTS and Creative Living with Jamie. This is the time between seasons when I am tinkering away in the studio, working on classes and offerings for the season ahead. While I am hard at work working on spring/summer nourishment for your creative life, I thought I would fill the studio with inspiration for your creative heart!

Find Inspiration: Quick, Draw

Quick Draw

Quick, Draw is a Google A.I. experiment that is a ton of fun. Here’s how Google describes it:

“This is a game built with machine learning. You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you’re drawing. Of course, it doesn’t always work. But the more you play with it, the more it will learn. It’s just one example of how you can use machine learning in fun ways.”

Your drawing attempts help teach the network plus I found that playing helps me hone in on the core aspects of visual meaning making. What must be present in a doodle to transmit “bear” or “pizza” or “moon”? (I totally failed with broccoli!)

Give it a try here.

This month many of the regular offerings at the studio are on hold, particularly the BTS and Creative Living with Jamie. We’re between seasons and I am tinkering away in the studio, working on classes and offerings for the season ahead. While I am at work on spring/summer, I thought I would fill the studio with inspiration for your creative heart!

Find Inspiration: 20 Feet from Stardom

“My life has been all about trying to make a success of the gift that I have.” Darlene Love

Every two weeks I get together with my sisters, Suzie and Shannon, for Art & Netflix. We grab a sketchbook or our watercolours, some crochet or knitting, something to create while we dig in and watch a movie together. This week we watched 20 Feet from Stardom and it rocked my creative heart and mind. This Oscar-winning documentary shines the light on the gifts and struggles of backup singers who have contributed so much to the world of music.  This film invites us to explore many significant creative questions, from the nature of talent-driven industries to what it means to stick with your passion, no matter what.

I was moved by the extraordinary gifts and fortitude of these women and struck by the complexities of each of their stories. Go on a journey with these amazing women. See what their music, their passion, their truth have to teach you about living a creative life.

“I felt like if I just gave my heart to what I was doing, I would automatically be a star.” Merry Clayton

“I reject the notion that the job you excel at is somehow not enough to aspire to, that there has to be something more. I love supporting other artists.” She added: “Some people will do anything to be famous. I just wanted to sing.” Lisa Fischer

This month many of the regular offerings at the studio are on hold, particularly the BTS and Creative Living with Jamie. This is the time between seasons when I am tinkering away in the studio, working on classes and offerings for the season ahead. While I am hard at work working on spring/summer nourishment for your creative life, I thought I would fill the studio with inspiration for your creative heart!

Find Inspiration: The Conscious Booksmith Podcast

Christine Mason Miller has been inspiring me for over a decade, from the blogging days of Swirly Girl to her recent compelling memoir, Moving Water.  Since then I have had pleasure of calling her friend, the privilege of contributing to her book Desire to Inspire and the delight to have Christine as a guest on Creative Living with Jamie.

Recently, I have felt like I have had the pleasure of hanging out with Christine daily as I binge listened to her new podcast, The Conscious Booksmith Podcast. Here’s how she describes it:

Inspired by The Conscious Booksmith – Christine’s online course for aspiring authors – and the experience of writing Moving Water, her memoir, The Conscious Booksmith Podcast explores the question What does it mean to write your life story? Every week, Christine will explore a different aspect of her experience writing her memoir, a years-long journey with twists, turns and plenty of surprises. After covering the basics in The Conscious Booksmith, Christine will take an even deeper dive into one of the most daunting and fulfilling creative pursuits of her career.

If you are an established or aspiring writer, be sure to check The Conscious Booksmith podcast out. Christine shares both the practical and the philosophical aspects of her own journey writing a memoir and interviews creative gifts about their own experiences sharing their stories and finding healing through art.

Christine Mason Miller has a gift for combining vision and practice. I know she will inspire you too.

This month many of the regular offerings at the studio are on hold, particularly the BTS and Creative Living with Jamie. This is the time between seasons when I am tinkering away in the studio, working on classes and offerings for the season ahead. While I am hard at work working on spring/summer nourishment for your creative life, I thought I would fill the studio with inspiration for your creative heart!

Find Inspiration: Judith Salomon

“If you really want to be a practicing artist, you are really never done.” Judith Salomon

This month many of the regular offerings at the studio are on hold, particularly the BTS and the podcast. This is the time between seasons when I am tinkering away in the studio, working on classes and offerings for the season ahead. While I am hard at work working on spring/summer nourishment for your creative life, I thought I would fill the studio with inspiration for your creative heart!

Breaking Ground

Tulip Filled with Snow

I’ve been very excited about the return of spring, especially getting back into the garden. I was thrilled to see signs of green as the week began and then shocked to see snow by Friday! I hope all of those tender shoots find their strength against the cold.

It’s a great illustration of the seasonal development from the Full Worm Moon in March to the Full Pink Moon in April.

Now is the time of transition from underground stirrings to breaking ground and braving the elements.

Our creative dreams go through this as well.

Our ideas start deep within, growing in strength until they manage to push through into the tangible world. When they do, sometimes they are met with nourishing sun and rain and sometimes with ice and snow. Our dreams and our creations must find and build their strength, bolstering themselves with love and belief when it is available so they may face rejection and judgement when necessary.

The plants and our creative ventures are leading by example: grow your strength as you brave unfurling.

We, too, go through this process as we dare to express more of our true self in the world. As we embrace our becoming, there comes a time when we must bare our vulnerable heart to the elements, whatever they may be.

Sometimes we stay underground for a very long time, sometimes hiding, sometimes readying. The unfortunate truth is that we can never be fully ready for what is to come.

We must simply be brave and break ground.

Below ground we gathered the nourishment for the first stage of our journey. We drew our power from the soil, from the damp, from the dark. But there comes a time when we must take our place in the garden, when the strength we need to grow into our beauty can only be found by reaching towards the sky. It is then that the sun can find us.

Is it time for you and your tender creative dreams to brave the elements and break ground?

I believe in you.

The Magic of the Garden

The return of open windows is one of the gifts of spring. As the kittens enjoyed the fresh air, I followed their gaze into the backyard.

While they watched for birds and squirrels, my eyes caught sight of green!

Clearing Wire

I rushed outside to free the sprouting bulbs from their protective winter covering of leaves and chicken wire.

Bright Promise

Oh, the joy of discovery!

Tender Green

I love this tender stage of the garden – the sweet shapes, the fresh colours.

Tender Garden

As if that wasn’t joy enough, the sun came out just as I freed these new shoots.

The World of the Garden

That is the magic of the garden. As  I clear the way and discover new life, I feel close to myself, to the Earth and to my mom.

Look Closely for Beauty

From a distance, it looks like a big mess and a patch of dirt.

 Last Season's Leaves

But when you look closely, there is beauty to be found.

Garden Guardian