Creative Living with Jamie: When Is It Too Late to Dream?

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Creative Living with Jamie 2.0 (episode 274): When Is It Too Late too Dream?

For most of my life, I felt like I was running behind, that it was too late for me to make my dreams come true. It took me a long time but eventually I found my way and I know that you can too.

Shine a Light ~ Spread the Magic

Whether this is the first episode that you’ve listened to or we’ve been hanging out for years, I am so glad that you’re here.  I love knowing that we’re hanging out in your studio, folding your laundry or that we’re hanging out while you’re walking your dog or going to work. Wherever you are and however you listen, I want you to know, I cherish you. And if you cherish this show, if it has been a blessing to your creative life, please spread the magic! Take a moment to leave a positive rating or review on iTunes. Share the podcast with your friends! You really can make a difference by shining a light on the show so that it can be found by other creative hearts just like you.

stART eps 88: When Not as Much to Share Becomes Lots to Say

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives. In this episode we chat about art classes, creative projects, breakthroughs and breaks, as well as diving full-on into our creative hearts.

We hope you are having a wonderful start to November, wherever you are right now! Today the running theme is that we feel like we don’t have that much to show/share but we as always have a lot to say ! Amazing how that happens! As always we would love to hear what YOU are getting up to creatively these days, feel free to drop a comment here or on our YouTube channel.

In this episode we mention…

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go

Caturday: Progress for Escher

Escher made another big step this week. This handsome boy is shy and awkward and still gets frightened very quickly. If he’s lying all cozy on the bed, he’s okay if Justin or I walk into the room but if it’s both of us – he bolts. When the doorbell rings – he bolts. When company comes over – he bolts.

This week, my sister Shannon came by for some visiting. The kittens have known Auntie Shannon since they came to live with us but still, sometimes she won’t see them at all, especially Escher. ​Not this time!

One day, Shannon looked at Escher and Escher looked at Shannon and something amazing happened; he walked right over to her to say hi!

That was already swoon worthy but then he did something else, something that is his own odd little quirk, something that doesn’t sound very pleasant but is in fact a wonder: he gave her his bum. That’s what we’ve come to call it. When he turns around and offers up his butt, it’s an act of trust. It started when the kittens were wee. Whenever you reached out, Escher would quickly move away. He was always leaving. If you got lucky, you might be able to pet the very end of his back before he was gone and so that was the first place he got used to being petted. Knowing this, Shannon reached out and was able to give a little pet to her furry nephew to the delight of us all.

You never know when or how the magic is going to happen. But if you are patent and you pay attention, the opportunity for magic will arrive.

(Luckily it doesn’t always look like a cat’s behind!)

Awareness, Art & Being Uncomfortable

On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: I am on the other side of discomfort and basking in the learning. Plus, I’m being inspired by my walks and abstract artist Jane Davies.

Mentioned on Today’s Show: