Art Day: Painting on Plexi, Glitter Animals & a Mixed Media Garden

JRS 1 Art Day Snow

Snowy Sunday afternoons are just about the perfect time for an afternoon of art, especially when soup stock is bubbling and a crockpot dinner is cooking for when we’re done!

JRS 2 Art Day on Glass

My sister Shannon and I are enrolled in Carla Sonheim & Lynn Whipple’s The Year of the Spark and absolutely loving it. This Art Day we focused on a lesson about painting and collage on plexiglass. We actually couldn’t find any plexiglass so we worked on glass, using basic clip frames you can find in the dollar store. The acrylics do lift off fairly easily from the glass surface so we experimented a lot to discover approaches that would work and enjoyed every moment!

Animals Standing By

All the while, my gessoed animals were standing by wondering when it was going to be their turn.

Glittered Animals

The thing is, if you stand still long enough, you’re going to get glitter bombed!

Glitter Moose Photo Shoot

And end up in a photo shoot!

Developing a Mixed Media Garden

As if that wasn’t enough fun, I managed to sneak in some time with my art journal, developing this mixed media piece of imaginary flower images I “discovered” in the background I created days ago. I love that experience uncovering a mystery and can’t wait to continue to work on this piece.

A regularly scheduled Art Day is having a huge impact not only on my creative life but also on the way I show up on Mondays! I’m looking forward to bringing an Art Day Virtual Retreat to you March 21st. You pick the project. Together we create the safe space :)


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