It’s mid-November and I’ve got that ‘year-end’ feeling! It’s so easy for that to turn into a rush of “must-do to-dos” before the year is over, early holiday panic, a dread of winter and a sense that next year will either be “same old same old” or out of control.
This year I’m doing my best to choose something different.
I’m starting with reminding myself of all the good stuff. Like how Justin and I put out a holiday basket that we secretly tuck treats and treasures into to enjoy once Christmas arrives. Or how much I love creating my Vision Pages between Christmas and New Years. They are potent visual reminders in my Studio Yearbook of the priorities and plans I’ve created during Planning Day. The calm contentment of sitting under the twinkie lights on dark mornings and showing up to the page. The Studio Kittens’ constant craving for connection that helps to ward off the cold.
What wintery things are you looking forward to?
I’m also setting creative intentions. In colder climates, winter naturally draws us inside. What better time to make art our priority? Winter feels so different when you imagine spending it dedicated to painting or pastels, to knitting or writing your book. At the start of each season I like to choose what I’ll be pouring my creative energy into. I love having a plan for what I’ll be adding to my body of work by the time the next season arrives.
What do you intend to create this winter?
And what about learning a new skill? We creatives are wired to be lifelong learners and the world of art gives us a million things to choose from! What if you dedicated this winter to learning calligraphy or print-making or ikebana or film-editing? What about learning to play the piano or how to do improv or sing? I’m currently learning a lot about video editing as I follow my inspiration to an expanded version of the Creative Living with Jamie podcast.
What would you like to learn this winter?
In all of the studio offerings this season – Planning Day, Devotion & The Studio Yearbook – I take this seasonal approach. It’s a guiding principle in everything I do. It opens us up to plans that feel healthy and supportive, to a creative rhythm that feels alive and approachable and to a creative practice that helps us savour life and remember our part in creating it.
I hope that you’ll join me in some or all of this winter’s offerings and that together we’ll walk with creative enthusiasm and artistic anticipation into the year ahead!
Create the Year You Long For
Registration is Open for Our Yearly Planning Day Retreat!

Register Now for Planning Day
LIVE December 1 from 1:00-5:00 pm EST*
What if you had an approach to planning that was flexible enough to respond to inspiration and “life” while also being strong enough to give you momentum and keep you on path? That’s what you’ll learn in Planning Day.
We’ll weave together vision and dreams with plans and practicalities. We’ll dance with structure and freedom to find the just-right mix, a balance that will support your forward momentum while leaving you feeling free. Planning Day is not about squishing yourself into a box filled with endless lists and to-dos. It’s not about push, drive or figuring out how to exceed maximum human capacity.
Planning Day is about knowing where you are, getting clear on where you want to be and closing that gap, one step at a time.
It’s also a beautiful way to spend a wintery day at the close of the season. We’ll cozy in and do the work together. We’ll bring our tea and our journals. We’ll light a candle and turn on the twinkie lights. We’ll vision and explore. We’ll share and we’ll plan. And when we are done, we’ll celebrate, knowing we are entering the new year grounded in clarity and confidence.
I hope you’ll join me for our year-end studio tradition and experience the joy and power of Planning Day.
*Note: A recording will be available, usually within 24 hours.
Devote Yourself to Your Art this Winter
Wait List Registration for Devotion Is Now Open
Winter’s Devotion begins on January 23rd
Join the Wait List Now for Early Access to Registration
This winter say a brave and beautiful yes to the creative fire in your spirit. Say yes to three months of showing up to your artistic work with passion, commitment and purpose. Say yes to Devotion and fully answer the artistic call.
Imagine what is possible when you embrace yourself as an artist and step onto the path of Devotion.
In Devotion you will establish a clear vision for your residency, create a loving and supportive plan and then dive wholeheartedly into a season of making. You will have structure and support to keep you on path. You’ll have creative kindred and an expert creative coach to lift you up when you falter and to celebrate you when you soar.
Imagine what will come of three months of dedicated creating. Imagine the body of work you will bring to life, the skills you will hone and the confidence you will gain, whatever your medium. Here’s what happened for Anne:
When I first read Jamie’s thoughts and intentions for the Devotion program the concept immediately resonated with me. As an artist, the love for my craft was real but I felt stuck creatively and didn’t know what to do to revitalize my perspective or the work itself. I am amazed at the shift in how I see myself as an artist and how I approach my work; truly, it is transformational for me. Jamie has prepared a suite of tools that open new pathways of thinking and promote deep reflection. She is a skilled catalyst that understands the creative mind and heart. The Devotion environment is warm and deeply supportive. I wholeheartedly recommend Devotion to anyone who seeks to rekindle the magic within and move forward as an artist! Anne Hallcom
I want this for you too, {{ subscriber.first_name }}. Find out more about Devotion here.
A Seasonal Creative Practice to Awaken Your Inner Artist
The Studio Yearbook (Winter 2023) Is Available Now!
There is magic in the Studio Yearbook!
The Studio Yearbook is a simple and doable fill-in-the-blank journal designed to support your creative practice and awaken your creative spirit! In your yearbook, you’ll tune into the energy of the season. You’ll create dreamboards under each full moon. You’ll gather your gratitude and look for inspiration in every day! You’ll start a weekly practice of focusing on what truly matters to you and you’ll give yourself gold stars of celebration. You’ll take note of what you learn and acknowledge what you create. Day by day, as you pour your life into the pages of your Studio Yearbook, it will become a magnificent reflection of you and this moment in time – a true creative treasure.
The Winter Studio Yearbook is unique in that it covers the powerful transition from one year into the next. In the special Crossing the Threshold section you can gather the wisdom of the year that’s passed and move with intention into the year ahead. There’s even a spot to create Vision Pages, visual reminders of the priorities you set for your new year. (This is one of my favourite ways of spending the holidays. I hope you love it too!)
The yearbook isn’t just another journal – it’s an experience! One that has been enjoyed by creative hearts around the world. I hope you’ll join in and be a part of the adventure this winter!