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When we were little wishes spilled out of our hearts like petals flowing into a stream. Without hesitation we told the stars in the sky we wished for a puppy or a bicycle or to be a singer or 16. But somewhere along the way we traded wishes for to-do lists, dreams for what needs to get done.

I want to invite you to bring the magic back.

Knowing what is in your heart and daring to wish for it is powerful magic. When we acknowledge our true selves, we build our confidence. When we ask for what we want, we open the door to receiving it.

Well of Desire

The practice of wishing will change your life.

It’s a simple thing to make a wish, simple but profound. With each wish you acknowledge your desire and open to the possibilities. Wishcasting is a practice in self-knowing, a regular reminder to listen to your heart, to pay attention to your dreams. It is a simple ritual that reaches in deep and awakens your desire. It is a tool for focusing that desire, for finding your voice, for guiding your way; all in the frame of a wish.

Wishing True NorthEvery wish is an invitation to start dreaming again.

For years I have hosted an online circle for wishing. It has drawn the most extraordinary spirits, full of love, creativity, insight and intuition. It has inspired people around the globe to start dreaming again.

Wishing Habit

I want us all to be magic fairies, awakening and tending dreams and wishes in ourselves and in the world. To support you on your wish journey, I’ve created these ways of Wishcasting.

For Awakening Dreamers, Practice Developers, Ritual Lovers and Those Who Want a Sprinkle at a Time: The Wishcasting E-Course

Discover Wishcasting

Here’s what you get with the e-course:

  • A lesson in wishing: As you step into the course, you will become an initiate of Wishcasting, learning the simple ritual of tuning into your heart to discover the wishes that lie within.
  • 52 weekly wish invitations: For one magical year, starting whenever you sign up, a weekly wish prompt will arrive, sprinkling magic in your inbox and inviting you to dream.
  • Time to reflect: The moment the Wishcasting prompt arrives, the magic begins. Gently but persistently, the wish seed wends its way through your attention, awakening a response. You’ll find yourself wondering as you walk, journaling over coffee and imagining as you fall asleep to dream.
  • Wish check-ins: At regular intervals throughout the e-course you will receive an invitation to reflect on the impact of wishing and to continue to expand its power.
  • BONUS! A Simple Guide for Groups: If you are inspired to wish in community, we have included some simple guidelines to help you create your own loving circle of wish support.


Wishcasting E-Course: 52 Weeks to Awaken The Dreamer in You

Price: $52.00

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What Wishers have to say about Wishcasting…

“…It is a month later after Wishcasting and I am planning a trip to go to Ireland. So I would have to say that Wishcasting is very powerful indeed! I have learned that nothing is impossible. That if we put our intentions out there and step aside and let the Universe take care of it, follow the signs, then our dreams do come true.” Kate Robertson

“[Wishcasting] is a time for me to take a break from busy-ness, and consult my heart about the things going on in my life. It’s a simple, whimsical way to take stock, and remind myself of the directions I wish to be travelling. It’s also a gentle way to invite abundance into my life.” Kristen Milton

“Jamie has a way of asking a question that seems simple on the surface yet sears to the heart of self exploration. Wishcasting has helped me to make time in the week to reflect upon my desires. In these reflections I find myself discerning and taking risks – from the risk of posting my dreams for the world to see to taking steps to make these dreams come true.” Kathryn Antyr (now Costa)

“The biggest thing I have learned Wishcasting this year… I was not taking care of myself, emotionally, spiritually, physically, in anyway. Slowly but surely Jamie pulled back each layer and made me look at myself as a worthy being. Each week my confidence has grown and I have stepped out and done things that I have only dreamt of doing. ” Sarah S.

“Wishcasting opened doors that were long ago shut… In a short period time, only a couple of months, I am putting action behind my wishes and dreams. I am letting who I am, under all the layers, start to shine.” Jules Hubert

Do you have a story of how Wishcasting changed your life? Email me and you just might find yourself featured here at Jamie Ridler Studios!

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