Every weekday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: It’s Monday and that means casting forward into the week. Today I also needed to look back on opening registration for the Dreamboard workshop and the Full Pink Moon’s message of dream trending! Plus one of the big projects this season is moving into the studio and shining it up beautifully, so I share with you the first three plug-ins we’ve decided to have move in with us!
My get-ready music today: Unexpected Best Night Ever

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Jamie, maybe you can tell us how you manually back up your blog posts, the text. That has been something on my mind recently. I used to print a book at the end of each year, photos and all, through Blog2Print I think. That became pretty expensive as I became more faithful in blogging. I agree with the need to back up our work. Thanks. :)
I’ve often thought of printing up my blog yearly, though I so get you on the price tag! Thanks for the question. I’ll be sure to answer it on Wednesday’s Behind the Scenes :)