Category: Goodness & Love

Day 1: An Astronaut’s Guide to Self-Isolation – Chris Hadfield

Today Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield changed something for me. During this pandemic, when there is so much anxiety and yes, risk, he reminded me that we can choose agency instead of overwhelm, that we can “thrive and be productive” even in dangerous situations.

In this short video Chris shares the four simple steps that astronauts use to stay safe in hazardous situations.

  1. Understand the Actual Risk
  2. Choose Goals. What’s your mission?
  3. Identify Constraints
  4. Take action

No, we cannot control the situation or the variables but we can do what we are able to do.  We can, as Chris so elegantly puts it, take care of our spaceship.

With today’s New Moon, I am starting a new series: 40 Days of Beauty, Goodness & Love an the blog, little moments of light to get us through a difficult time. If you get solace, peace and inspiration from this, please share with others who need the same. (And if you’re gathering goodness too, please share resources in the comments!)