Creative Living with Jamie: Why You Must Create

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This Podcast is: 6:20

You need to Create
This Week on Creative Living with Jamie:

When life is so demanding, who has time for creativity? How can we play when there is so much work to do? How can write a poem when there’s dinner to make?

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  • Subscribe: You can subscribe to Creative Living with Jamie here and also on iTunes (Note: this link will ask to access your iTunes and then take you to the podcast. You can also simply open iTunes and search for “Creative Living with Jamie)
  • Email: You can email your feedback, questions and suggestions to Jamie.
  • Share: Spread the Magic! If you loved this show, please share it with other creative hearts!

A Desk Tour, Rabbit Holes & an En Masse Journal

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: Follow me down a rabbit hole at your own risk and learn about en masse journals (and magazine journals too)!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

7 Strategies for When You Have No Ideas or Inspiration

What to do when you have no ideas.

The Situation: You’ve got no inspiration or ideas.

You sit down to write a blog post and find yourself staring at that blinking cursor.

You’re doing creative work, which you love, but you’re facing a deadline and nothing is coming.

You’ve finally got some time to create and now that you’re here you don’t have a clue what to do.

In these moments it’s so easy to turn in on ourselves, to let the Inner Critic take over with an authoritative, “See? I told you so. What you were thinking? You’re not creative at all! Creative people have tons of ideas, too many ideas even. And look at you. You’ve got nothing. You know what that means? You are nothing.”


The good news is your inner critic is wrong. (Even if your dialogue sounds quite different , I guarantee you s/he is wrong.) Having these blank moments is a normal part of the creative process. An uncomfortable part, sure. A frustrating part? You bet. But a part of the creative process none the less.

So, what do you do when you have no ideas?

First Check In: Is your well empty?

Often we hit this blank wall when we’re trying to dive in too quickly after something else that has taken up all of our resources. Did you just finish a major project? Is there something in your life that’s taxing you hardcore? Are you exhausted? If so, take a break!

Sometimes it is simply not the time for generation; it’s the time for restoration. We creatives tend to resist that because we want so badly to be in the doing, in the making, the in the joy of creating. Learning to love the fallow times too will enhance your life, your work and your energy. Catch your breath. Go to the movies. Take a class. Read a book. Let your creative well fill up again.

And yes, I haven’t forgotten about that deadline situation. Sometimes we simply must produce. This is a good time to draw on your body of work and see how what you have already created can support you. Have you done some sketches that you could develop further? Have you written a piece that might work or offer up some key points? Can you bring it down to the simplest demands of the project and get it done? Do what you need to do to get to the other side and then find somewhere to write in big bold letters this reminder to yourself, “Book downtime after every project!!” If you are in this creative game for the long haul (and I hope you are), work with a healthy creative rhythm, not against it.

Now, assuming you are rested and ready for the upswing, how do you generate ideas?

7 Ways to Get Ideas Going and Creative Energy Flowing

1. Flush Your System

For 10-15 minutes write, paint, draw, dance, sing, sew.  Just go. Let it be utter crap.  Just get yourself moving. Pour out all the mess from your mind. Fling out all the stagnant energy. Expend all the overcharged energy. Just move that stuff and get it gone. You’ll be opening the space for something new and wonderful.

Plus here’s a secret about having no ideas: sometimes you actually have too many crammed in too tightly!

You might, in fact, have so many ideas clamouring for attention that their voices have melded into white noise. This happens to me all the time. When I get stuck writing a blog post, more often than not, I’m struggling because there are actually several blog posts all wanting to come out at once.

This Gordian creative knot can happen especially when it’s been a long time since we’ve given ourselves creative time. Ideas have percolated and because they haven’t been expressed, they’ve become stuck. Inspirations have arrived and been kept waiting at the door. Letting go of any attempt to focus or create product and giving yourself time to dump all and sundry out can help you see more clearly tidbits of the ideas that have been waiting for your attention. (PS Developing  a regular creative practice is one of the eways you can guard against this particular form of stuck)

2. Pick a Thread and Follow It

Don’t look for the whole piece. Just look for a place to begin. When you look at your paints, what colour catches your eye? Start with that. What are you experiencing right here in this moment? Are you a bit warm? Do you hear birds outside your window? Start with that. Is your inner critic screaming? Start with that.  Every road takes you somewhere. Once you get started, your creative instincts will know where to go.

3. Release the Pressure

I learned this when I was the movement director for a theatre production. One night at rehearsal the director unexpectedly called on me for some choreography.

“Jamie, why don’t you go ahead and work with the soldiers choreography now?”

“Um… sure…”

I looked up at the three actors on stage, each looking at me with open, expectant faces.

I had nothing for them. Nothing at all. I had a moment of panic. I searched my mind, my heart, my body for something. Anything! I didn’t want to let everyone down and I certainly didn’t want to look like I couldn’t do the job but I had nothing.

I turned to the director and said, “Sorry, Jess, I’ve got nothing right now.”

“Okay, no problem.”

I turned around to go back to my seat and….

“Wait. I’ve got it.”

As soon as I braved taking the pressure off, the ideas came. Ideas just don’t seem to love being forced to do anything but give them a moment and they just might show up.

4. Try a Different Medium

At a loss for what to do in your art journal? Choose fabrics for a quilt. No ideas for your poetry? Sing. No idea how to end your play? Make a collage. Can’t come up with a theme for your event? Take your camera on an outing.

Creative mojo is cross-disciplinary. Before you know it, the ideas that showed up in one medium will inspire some fresh thoughts in the other!

5. Have a Creative Chat

For some of us, extroverts particularly, having a quick creative chat with a friend or colleague can make all the difference. When you’ve found yourself for quite some time sitting alone generated nothing, give a friend a call and you may just find yourself sharing what you’ve been thinking about lately or taking a stand for something you find important and suddenly tumbling right out of your mouth are the seeds of your next creative project without any effort at all! (By the way, this happens to me all the time with the Behind the Scenes!)

6. Be Still

Sometimes the conversation we need to have is with ourselves. We need to get quiet enough to hear our own creative intuition. Give yourself 10 minutes to chair and stare. Don’t try to come up with ideas or move the project forward. Look out your window. Listen to the sounds around you. Breathe. Let your body and your mind relax. Then just listen. No pressure. No demands. Just listen. Promise yourself that you will explore at least one of the ideas that crosses your mind during this time.

7. Have a Shower.

It’s not an accident that so many people talk about having their best ideas in the shower. It may be the quiet. It may be the privacy. What I think it is , well, it’s kind of woo. I believe that the water pouring down over us helps us wash away all that excess energy and worry, all the remains of the day, leaving us fresh and open and ready to receive the ideas and inspirations that are meant for us.  Yes, I am saying that taking a shower is a creative practice.

Learning These Block-Obliterating Skills Matters

When these moments of frustrating blankness show up in your creative life, and they will, take it as a time to hone first your skill in discernment so that you can figure out whether now is time to keep working or to take a rest and then to practice these block-obliterating, idea-generating strategies and discover which ones serve you best.

Develop these skills so that your ideas can flow into your body of work. The world needs your gifts.

Creative Sparkler The World Needs your Gifts

stART eps 63: Thinking, Feeling and Doing

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives. We hope we’ll inspire you to get creating too!

Episode 63 is a jam-packed episode of stART and we talk about everything from superpowers to things that make us cry, from needing to grow to wanting to articulate. And of course, there are lots of giggles!

In this episode we mention:

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go

Choosing Brave, Choosing Images & YouTube Space Toronto

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: Yesterday I braved Creative Happy Hour at the new YouTube Space Toronto – and I take you with me! Also, more conversation about what to do with all of those images you love and create! I’m going to start a “picture book.” How about you?

Mentioned in Today’s Show


JRS 2016-05-20 YouTube

Follow me on Instagram and I will take you everywhere I go!

You need to become a pen
in the Sun’s hand.

We need for the earth to sing
Through our pores and eyes.

The body will again become restless
Until your soul paints all its beauty
Upon the Sky.

Don’t tell me, dear ones,
That what Hafiz says is not true.

For when the heart tastes its glorious destiny
And you awake to our constant need
For our love.

God’s lute will beg
For your hands.

Too Many Ideas? How to Choose not Lose.

Messy Desk

We creatives love ideas. We like them almost as much as art and stationary supplies! We collect them in journals and lists and voice memos to ourselves. We gather them like bundles of gorgeous spring blooms in our outstretched arms,  our faces beaming as bright as the sun. Oh, the joy of an abundance of ideas! Yum!

And then we sit down to write a blog post or a book chapter… we get ready to compose a song or a poem… we get set for our next knitting project or dance piece, our e-course or business venture and we look at that whole slew of ideas and we are overwhelmed.

How do we pick from this pile of beauty and possibility?

What if we pick the blue and then we see that someone else had great success with the red?

What if we go right and all of our dreams are left?

What if we miss out or get it wrong or lose?

How do we choose?

First, know that whatever is meant for you is there for you down all roads. If you are a creative heart then every path that calls to you will lead you on a creative adventure. Choose one to answer.  Say yes and begin.

Second, understand that it is the very nature of ideas that there are too many – and thank goodness! Can you imagine the paltry pantry of a world filled with only enough ideas for one person to manage easily in one lifetime? What a blessing we are gifted with a world so rich that we could pluck a new idea out of the air every millisecond and there would still be millions, even billions, more.

So make peace with there being more than enough.

Then weed out the shoulds and the ought-tos. Leave only choices that call to your heart.

Then choose.

Choose one and make a start. If it feels like you’re walking in shoes a size too small or a size too big, choose again, but if it feels like, “Yeah, this is good,” even if there’s a bit of a wobble in your step, keep walking. Make friends with this idea and see where it leads. Stop looking over your shoulder at all the ones you left behind. Imagine how that gorgeous idea holding your hand feels when you keep pining and grasping and looking elsewhere.

Trust yourself.

Trust that if you choose an idea that calls to your heart, there is no way to get it wrong.

Be here in this moment with this idea and all that is ready to be created between you.

Make your choice and dance.

JRS One Idea

Creative Living with Jamie: Fall in Love with the Process, Fall in Love with Your Life

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This Podcast is: 12:00

Creative Sparkler: What We Create Creates Us
This Week on Creative Living with Jamie:

Your life doesn’t begin once you have reached your dreams. Your life is right here right now.

Connect with Creative Living with Jamie…

  • Subscribe: You can subscribe to Creative Living with Jamie here and also on iTunes (Note: this link will ask to access your iTunes and then take you to the podcast. You can also simply open iTunes and search for “Creative Living with Jamie)
  • Email: You can email your feedback, questions and suggestions to Jamie.
  • Share: Spread the Magic! If you loved this show, please share it with other creative hearts!