Our Studio Forum was a vibrant conversation about the power and pleasure of journaling!

JRS Studio Forum Journaling Pic


The studio is rich with members who are creative, smart, soulful and generous and this is a great opportunity to learn from one another. We gathered together to explore questions such as:

  • How do you journal?
  • When do you journal?
  • Why do you journal?
  • What do you use when you journal?
  • What helps you stick with a practice of journaling?
  • What doesn’t?
  • What difference has journaling made in your life?

Spend time considering your own answers as you immerse yourself in this creative conversation. I’m so glad we had this opportunity to share wisdom on the core practice of journaling.

Your password is: journalwisdom

Download a PDF of the chat here.

If you enjoyed the forum, be sure to stop by
The Academy
and check out Journal Club!!