stART: Creating as We Go – episode 70: Indecision & Taking a Stand

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives.

It’s a bit of a little-bit-of-everything this time around. We seem to be in the middle of many things or not feeling like we are doing anything creative at all. This episode we share some painful challenges but we have a few celebrations too. We’d love to hear how you take on creative challenges and tackle barriers.

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go

One comment

  1. Darling_Dahlia says:

    What a painful and true discussion of accessibility issues in the world. Big virtual hug to Suzie. Using your social media platform might be really useful. Have you done anything yet? It is not encouraging negativity to tell an organization where they have failed their customers. It is helpful to be as clear and specific as possible – ex: There was no available seating. Distances were too far. People had to wait outdoors. Neither food nor water was available. There was no alternative for someone who couldn’t stand for hours. There should have been a person,contact number or location for information on accessibility.

    Canada probably has disability laws that one could refer to.

    I would encourage you to make contact and to request a refund.

    I know how much time and effort this takes and it’s a shame it’s always on our shoulders to make noise and educate. But sometimes the results are very positive. It really doesn’t take much effort for an event or organization to be inclusive, it only takes awareness and some minor logistics.

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