Category: Do Good

Give a Girl a Journal – The Seed

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WDS & The Seed for Give a Girl a Journal

In 2012, at the close of the World Domination Summit, Chris Guillebeau stood on stage and did an amazing thing; he and WDS celebrated and encouraged the power of possibility by giving everyone in the room $100 (yes, $100 cash) with the following note…

We’d love to see how you can put these funds to good use. Start a project, surprise someone or do something entirely different – it’s up to you.”

How would I rise to the occasion, I wondered? What could I do with this gift of possibility?

One day, sitting at my desk, chatting with my sister Shannon on the phone, I said that maybe I would use the money to give away a few journals. After all, I’d talked to hundreds of creatives for whom journaling was their core creative practice, a port in a storm, a dear friend and indispensable ally. What a simple and beautiful way to make a powerful difference. I though that maybe I could give these journals to girls and as the idea was finding its way out of me I said to Shannon, “Maybe I could write a note at the back of the journal that said, ‘Maybe one day you’ll give a girl a journal too.” I stopped in my tracks.

“Give a girl a journal. That sounds like something.”

“It does,” said Shannon. “It really does.”

For the next 4 years I kept that one hundred dollar bill in an envelope in my desk, waiting for the right time to bring this idea to life. I knew it could be something magical. I knew it could be something big. I wanted to be ready. And I am.

In the past year some of my nearest and dearest friends and colleagues have nurtured this seed within me. They have given me constant encouragement and opened up doors of possibility. This love and support was just the sunlight this seed of an idea needed to grow.

Give a Girl a Journal Seed Money

And so, on February 14th, Jamie Ridler Studios will be launching its first ever do-good initiative, Give a Girl a Journal.

Our goal is simple: to get journals into the hands of girls and empower them to use them.

In the next week, I’ll be sharing more, including several powerful stories from amazing women about the impact that journaling has had on their lives. And I’m inviting you to share your journal story as a part of the Give a Girl a Journal Blog Hop & Social Media Extravaganza this Sunday.

I hope you will join me on this wonderful adventure and help bring the magic of journaling into the lives of girls!


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Find out more about

Give a Girl a Journal


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Participate in the

Give a Girl a Journal

Blog Hop & Social Media Extravaganza


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Give a Girl a Journal Blog Hop & Social Media Extravaganza – February 14 – You’re Invited!

Give a Girl a Journal

On February 14th Give a Girl a Journal Springs to Life!

With Give a Girl a Journal, a do-good initiative from Jamie Ridler Studios, our goal is to get journals into the hands of as many girls as possible and empower them to use them! With just something to write with and something to write on a girl’s life can be transformed – and you can help!

A Bit About How It Works

Give a Girl a Journal will be a bridge between grown-ups who want to share the gift of journaling and girls around the world.

  • Any girl or group of girls can be nominated to receive the gift of a journal.
  • When a supporter “gives a girl a journal”, we will send the next girl on our nominated list an inspiration pack of a journal, a pen and simple instructions on how to get started. In this way we will spread not only the magic of journaling but we will also foster a world rich with generosity and goodwill.
  • Find out more at

Support Give a Girl a Journal by Participating in Our Blog Hop & Social Media Extravaganza February 14th

This Sunday, I’m inviting you to share your journal story in support of Give a Girl a Journal. To participate:

  1. On February 14th share your story about the impact journaling has had on your life (e.g. a blog post, a video, an audio, a Facebook post, Instagram photo, etc.)
  2. It would be great if you could include your completed version of this tagline: “Give a girl a journal, ______________” (e.g. change the world.)
  3. Be sure to link to and/or use #giveagirlajournal.
  4. On Feb 14th visit and share a link to your journal story.

Let’s shine the light on Give a Girl a Journal by creating an awesome community conversation about the power of journaling!

(Psst… Don’t get hung up on it being perfect. As I say to the girls, “There’s no way to get it wrong!” Simply share your story and shine a light on Give a Girl a Journal.)

Please Share Give a Girl a Journal with Your Community

A project like this thrives when people take it into their hearts and share it in the world. Let us all light our torch from the same bonfire and venture into the world to spread that precious light. Mention it to your friends, send an email, post on Facebook or share on your blog. Here are two badges you can use.

Give a Girl a Journal Badge Blue

Give a Girl a Journal Badge Red

Whatever way you choose to share, thank you for being a part of Give a Girl a Journal.

“How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a weary world.”
William Shakespeare